Our Missionaries

You may be aware of the services and outreach programs provided by Chapel,
but did you know that we support various missionaries around the world?

Drew Loring

Drew grew up attending Chapel in the Pines with my family and is now working with an international mission organization called “Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ.” He has been involved with this organization for a few years now, but officially working with them since 2020. He serves the Southwest Region of the US in order to teach, encourage, and equip leaders in ski towns throughout this region.

Our mission at Snowboarders and Skiers for Christ is to bridge the gap between the Ski and Snowboard communities and the local church. The type of people that you come across within these communities are not typically the type to willingly walk into a church building, so we strive to bridge the gap by meeting them where they’re at. They do all sorts of different outreach in ski towns from free meals, and skate nights in sanctuaries, to camps and discipleship training.

Our purpose is to be the light of Jesus on the ski hills, and we have seen countless individuals and even large groups in communities experience a shift towards God as a result of that purpose being lived out authentically.

The "M" Family

The "M" family has been serving with Operation Mobilization (OM) for 15 years, at their US office near Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. "M" serves with the communications team and is responsible for web, email and social media – inspiring Americans to pray for missions, to give towards projects that open doors for the gospel, and to GO and serve in more than 110 countries where OM operates. OM is 100% focused on ministering to the almost 3 billion unreached in our world, who have no access to the gospel.

"We are so thankful for YOU, dear Chapel family for your prayers, partnership and friendship!"

Ron & Maria Perdue

Serving our Lord in Istanbul, Turkey for nearly thirty years, missionaries Ron and Maria Perdue have served in conjunction with Operation Mobilization, which works around the world to motivate and equip Christians to share God’s love.

The Perdue's have been involved in church planting, developing a school for missionary children in which they were teachers, training new members of “Turkish Outreach,” and providing earthquake relief in Turkey. During the last 25 years, they continue to minister in an agricultural town on the Asian side of Istanbul. In this village, Ron taught the villagers English while Maria developed a B4T (Business for Transformation) ministry wherein she hires, trains, and empowers women employees in a completely women-run coffee shop and cheesecake production business. Incidentally, Maria often mentors other women who want to learn how to do business.

Local villagers embrace the Perdue's every time the two highlight the reason for their hope, even through life’s difficulties over the years [1 Peter 3:15]. Ron and Maria have contributed to their community for decades, offering employment to women and a place for social development, while using their God-given gifts in many other ways. Having endured earthquakes, house fires, persecution, financial challenges, and health issues, the Perdue's maintain their steadfast faith and love. They epitomize what Jesus’ followers look like and how they minister to him.

Jeff & Christine Stanfield

After thirty-plus years of missionary service in Africa (Kenya and Uganda), Jeff and Christine have changed their home base to be in the United States near World Gospel Mission headquarters, to join the WGM’s Member Health Team. They continue to serve as missionaries with WGM, but their role has changed and now they are Area Member Health Leaders for Africa.

In this role they are coordinating Member Health initiatives in the Africa region of WGM. They assist in equipping missionaries serving in Africa to fulfill their call to advance God’s kingdom by supporting them spiritually and emotionally, which includes the ministries of presence, caring, encouraging, and training. Their role involves travel to be with missionaries in their places of service as well to visit them in their places they call home within their passport country. 

"We're excited to see how God will multiply the harvest through well-equipped missionaries in Africa."