Life Groups

Aside from the weekly worship services, it is important to get involved with a local small group. Why? "Big Church" is great, but Life Groups are where the action is. Life Groups bring people together from all walks of life to learn how to please God and take care of one another.

Don't have a Life Group? Sign up HERE.

  • Married People - Full
    - Every other Monday, 6 - 8pm, Arnold

  • Reβorn Life Group - Full
    - 1st & 3rd Mon, 6:30pm, Murphys / Arnold
  • Jodie Life Group - Full
    - Alternating M or T, 6pm, Arnold

  • WOW: Women of the Word - OPEN
    - Every other Mon, 11am - 1pm, (Cecile's house)


  • Morning Men's Bible Study - OPEN
    - Every Tues, 6am, Arnold

  • BaSiC Life Group - OPEN
    - 2nd & 4th Tues, 6:30pm, Arnold / Dorrington

  • Hearty Boys - OPEN
    - Every Tues, 8:30am, Foyer

  • Wagner Life Group - OPEN
    - 1st & 3rd Tues, 6:30pm, Foyer

  • Dorrington Life Group - OPEN
    - Every Thurs, 7pm, Dorrington


  • Chapel Women - OPEN
    - Last Saturday of the month, Noon, Chapel