Ministry Groups

These ministry groups were formed for the following key purposes:

  1. To establish better connections, communications, provide support, and build growing relationships between the Leadership Team (LT) and Ministry Teams.
  2. To serve as encouragers, working on necessary ministry ideas, proposals and solutions, growing our ministry, and affirming our ministers as delegated by the LT.
  3. To create opportunities to identify and equip new leaders and volunteers. 

Updated: 8/4/22

  • Discipleship & Outreach
    Team Leaders / Contacts: Donna Hargan - Ruthe Sanborn

    • Benevolence
    • Childern's & Youth Ministries
    • Do-Wooders
    • Food Closet
    • Hearty Boys
    • Missions
    • Moms in Prayer
    • Nursery
    • Searchers Adult Sunday School
    • Women's Bible Study
    • Morning Men's Bible Study
  • Executive

    Team Leader / Contact: Jim Wagner

    • Pastoral Relations
    • Pastor's Wife Support Team
    • Staff (Lead Pastor, Admin Asst., Worship Arts Dir., Webmaster, Custodian)
    • Human Resources
  • Finance & Property

    Team Leaders / Contacts: Mark Blatt - Cecile Kaiser - Dan de Neveu

    • Finance, Budget, Insurance
    • Property & Grounds: Safety, Maintenance, and Use
    • Contracts / Facility Use Agreements
  • Spiritual Health & Body Life

    Team Leaders / Contacts: Clint Close - Jeanne Malthaup

    • Communion
    • Connections & Membership
    • Family Care
    • Hospitality
    • Life Groups
    • Ministry to Women
    • Nominating Commitee
    • On-line Prayer
    • Pastor Search
    • Ushers
    • Worship Arts
    • Digital Missions
  • Staff

    Senior Pastor - Pastor Jon Dietrich

    Worship Arts Director - Jimalene Loring

    Youth Ministry Associate - Robert Crum

    Admin Assistance - Karina Crawford

    Webmaster - Christopher Sanborn

    Custodian - OPEN