VBS - Vacation Bible School

One of the unique aspects of Group VBS programs are the memorable Bible Points that are reinforced throughout each station, each day - making it easy to apply long after VBS is over.

When:  July 17 - 21

What: Stellar - Shine Jesus' Light

Vacation Bible School -

It starts when they walk in the door… when the kids walk into your Stellar VBS, they instantly feel the love of Jesus shining through everything you’ve done to create a special event just for them! 

  • God sightings help kids learn to see the evidence of God with us.
  • Imagination Station will spark kids' imagination with Sciency-Fun Gizmos.
  • 3D Bible Memory Buddies are a kid favorite and one of the best ways to get Scripture from VBS into the home.

Questions: Contact Erica

Register here.

... your children won't want to miss it.