Worship Arts Ministries

Hi, Welcome to Worship Arts at Chapel in the Pines. Here at Chapel, we truly enjoy using artistic and technical creativity to worship God. Our hope is that you will come and join us on Sunday mornings to worship Him. Curious about the kind of worship we "do" at Chapel?   (Click Here)

We are blessed to have an amazing team of artists and techies who facilitate the worship here at Chapel. If you would like to learn more about the Worship Arts Team. Our Worship Arts Team has many great training and team events coming up. Check out our team calendar section for more details.

In Him,
Jimalene Loring
Worship Arts Director

  • Curious about  what kind of music to expect during our worship services? 
    🢡 Check out this playlist.
  • Vocal Team

    Team Leader - Jimalene Loring

    The members of the Vocal Team are responsible for leading the congregation in worship each week.

  • Tech Section

    Team Leader - Mike Wimple

    The Technology team is responsible for lighting, sound, visual projection, as well as audio and Video recording.