Chapel Announcements

2286 Cedar Lane, Arnold, CA - Service time: Sundays, 10:00AM



  • October - Biking for the Congo Challenge. Peddle, paddle, run, walk, or hike 31 miles, or sponsor one of the athletes to earn money for the medical situation in the Congo.
  • Contact Brett Loring if you're interested in sponsoring or participating.
  • Oct. 28 - Trunk or Treat - Here at Chapel.

Don't Forget:

  • Searchers Adult Sunday School: 8:30 a.m., House #1

  • Every Sunday - Jr. and Sr. High Youth Group, 3 to 4:30 in House 1.
    - Check out some photos and videos of the fun to be had with the Youth Group.
    - Youth Group Summer Activities Schedule
    - Youth Fundraiser: Bring your cans and bottles to the Chapel Youth to recycle.

  • Seat-back Connection Cards are now available online as:
    Connection Card       Prayer Request    Confidential Prayer Request
  • We're looking for volunteers for people to host Fellowship time after service to coordinate coffee and treats.
    - See Susan Dietrich, Ann Brocchini, or click HERE for the sign-ups.

  • This week's sermon video is available HERE. (Usually by Monday.)
  • Are you into Podcasts? Our weekly sermons are available as Apple Podcasts HERE.
  • Check out the songs we use in our worship service with this playlist.
  • Don't forget to tithe. Chapel still has to meet it's monthly obligations.
         Chapel in the Pines
         PO Box 9  /  Arnold, CA   95223

  • The Women's Ministry meets the last Saturday each month at noon. Bring a dish and a friend to share.
    (Contact Cecile Kaiser with any questions.)
  • You are invited to join Pastor Jon and others as we pray weekly for our church and the needs of our community; 3pm Wednesday's at the picnic tables near the pond (or Office Conference room).
  • Have a heart for the church and our missionaries? Join the Missionary Team
  • Do-Wooders need volunteers. Just show up Mondays & Wednesdays, 8:00 - 11:00.
    ☞ For wood, stop by the Office (Tues-Thurs, 9:30AM - 3:00PM) for an application.
    Here's a link to a great video describing the program:  Out and About with Tim & Lisa Muetterties
  • Moms in Prayer - impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray.
  • Calaveras Pregnancy Center - helping women & families in Calaveras county facing an unplanned pregnancy.

Contact the office (209- 795-1064) if you have any questions about upcoming events.

office @ chapelinthepines . org
Chapel Office hours:  Tuesday - Thursday, 9:30 to 3:00